What We Believe

Our Mission

We are here to share the Good News of Jesus through Christ-centered worship, biblical education, grace-filled service, and loving fellowship.

Our Beliefs

We believe the only true God is the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct persons in one divine being (the Holy Trinity).
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is God’s own Word and truth, without error. It is a collection of books that are God-inspired which have been passed down for us to read, learn, and teach from. “The Gospel” is the good news of life found through Jesus.
Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully human and fully God. He has conquered sin, death and Satan through his life on Earth, death on the cross, and resurrection from the grave. Through His sacrifice, we are given eternal life.
The Church
We believe there is only one Church in Christ. We believe faith in Christ connects all Christians together. We are called to extend the Church through our education of Christ, serving our community around us, and providing prayer and financial support.
We believe baptism is a sacrament in which God receives us through the power of water and Word. Those who understand the beliefs of the Christian faith are to be baptized. Anyone, including babies, can be brought to the waters of baptism, as it is an act of God reaching down to us.
We believe communion is a sacrament where we are given Christ’s own body and blood, through the bread and wine, which grants us forgiveness of sins.
We believe the three main Confessions of the Christian faith, the Nicene Creed, the Apostle’s Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. We believe these Confessions because they are drawn from the Bible and all beliefs held within.

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